Thursday, 10 October 2013

Music of India

Music of India.

As an introduction to the music of India, I am watching 3 lectures from Dr John Prescott. These lectures are part of Missouri State Universities courses available both on iTunes University and YouTube. The course is MUS 239: Introduction to World Music and the lectures are 24:  Music of India I 25: Music of India II and 26 Music of India III. Each are approximately 50 minutes long.

Lecture 24: Music of India I

Lecture 25: Music of India II

Lecture 26: Music of India III

Prescott John, 'Introduction to World Music: Lecture 24 - Music of India I' (2013) Missouri State University (lecture) (video) [online] Available at:<> (accessed 10 October 2013)
Prescott John, 'Introduction to World Music: Lecture 25 - Music of India II' (2013) Missouri State University (lecture) (video) [online] Available at:<> (accessed 10 October 2013)
Prescott John, 'Introduction to World Music: Lecture 26 - Music of India III/Review' (2013) Missouri State University (lecture) (video) [online] Available at:<> (accessed 10 October 2013)

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